Inky Workflow Approvals

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When Inky's Outbound Mail Protection detects sensitive information, it can be set to automatically encrypt emails or be redirected for approval. If your organization is set up with an approval workflow, this article describes the corresponding behavior. If the sender uses the encryption subject line, these are typically designed to not request approval.

The Process Flow

  1. The sender sends an email containing sensitive information without the encryption keyword in the subject line.
  2. Simultaneously, the sender receives an Inky email informing them their email requires approval and who the approver(s) is; the approvers also receive notification that they have an email requiring their approval.
  3. The approver's message contains 3 buttons: Deny Delivery, Approve Delivery, and View Message.
    1. View Message will redirect you to login into Inky and read the email in question.
    2. If you feel this email does not need to be encrypted, you can click the Approve Delivery button. If you approve the message, it will be delivered without encryption.
    3. If you feel this email does require encryption, you can click the Deny Delivery button. If you deny a message, it will not be sent. The sender will be notified you denied, but not the reason why.
  4. Once you have taken action, the sender will receive an additional email informing them if you've approved or denied delivery.